Live consciously and a new whole being will be created

I remember being mature since the day I was born.​

At the age of 9, her parents divorced, entering a toxic cycle of legal battles. Her mother worked even more hours during financially difficult years. Her siblings coped with the situation outside the home, leaning on friends or partners, so part of her childhood was spent in solitude. It was during this time that rhythmic gymnastics entered her life, becoming her refuge, her home, and her passion.

My life changed forever when my parents divorced.​

At the age of 9, her parents divorced, entering a toxic cycle of legal battles. Her mother worked even more hours during financially difficult years. Her siblings coped with the situation outside the home, leaning on friends or partners, so part of her childhood was spent in solitude. It was during this time that rhythmic gymnastics entered her life, becoming her refuge, her home, and her passion.

I began to understand that we are the creators of our own destiny.​

At the age of 12, she decided to devote all her energy to this sport and promised herself to become one of the best gymnasts in the country. She didn’t have the facilities or the right physical conditions to achieve this, but her determination, discipline, and perseverance were greater than all the adversities. Rhythmic gymnastics became her “home”, a refuge where she could recognize and embrace the wonderful and not-so-wonderful aspects of herself. She got to know every part of her being and allowed herself to express her emotions through her competition routines.

I became the champion of Spain.

Her passion, motivation, and faith led her to become the best gymnast in the club after just one year of training. Two years later, the Catalan National Team wanted her for four consecutive seasons to compete in international competitions. She was the Catalan Champion nine times, participated in seven Spanish Championship finals, and became the Spanish Champion twice.

When I retired from rhythmic gymnastics, everything began to change.

In June 2017, she decided to quit competitions to start a new chapter in her life. She emigrated to New Zealand for two years and then traveled to different countries in search of new adventures and experiences. On this journey, she experienced a deep void that nothing could fill. For the first time in her life, she had a lot of free time, time to think, time to be alone… time to feel very uncomfortable in her own skin. Anxiety overwhelmed her. She wasn’t happy in three consecutive jobs, started developing emotional dependency in her relationships, and had eating disorders.

Hit rock bottom and felt helpless to get out of there.

Her self-esteem and confidence disappeared, and she completely lost her identity. She didn’t recognise herself. Joy disappeared to give way to one of the longest silences in her life. And that’s when her inner work began, to stop seeking answers externally and start searching for them within herself. It was her time to heal emotional wounds from the past.

I finally found what I was looking for.

She began experimenting with different energetic sessions and practices in her body that helped her release the emotional baggage accumulated over the years and understand and acknowledge her roots. Her perspective on reality changed completely. She was filled with empowerment and responsibility, feeling in her own body that everything she sought was already within her. And so, she began to create a new chapter in her life aligned with her true self.

The power resides within each one of us.

When she started changing her inner thoughts and emotions, her external reality began to change as well. And when she allowed this intelligent energy to make adjustments on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level, these were the changes she experienced.

I started sharing these practices with others so they could heal themselves.

It was such a gift in her life that she decided to dedicate her time to share it with those who were curious about embarking on this journey to self-discovery. Anabel is not here to teach or transmit anything to anyone. She is only here to guide you in remembering everything you already are and you have always been. In doing so, you can experience the power that resides within you.


"My mission is to accompany millions of human beings in their processes of change, personal transformation, and evolution" 
To accompany millions of human beings in their processes of change, transformation, and evolution by providing valuable information, exercises, and various spiritual and self-discovery practices.
It’s not about being gurus or masters. Instead, it’s about offering support and a trusted space where vulnerability can emerge, initiating a journey of self-discovery to create your best version.
It’s about expanding your awareness to move away from the victim role (where nothing depends on you, and therefore, you can’t change anything) – to embrace personal responsibility (where everything depends on you, and you can change absolutely everything) = EMPOWERMENT.

Are you ready to start your journey ?